Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Personality and Multiple Intelligence Tests

Here are some personality and intelligence type tests that might boost our INTRAPERSONAL intelligence.  Maybe you are curious about how you compare to others or just want to know more about yourself.

Here are the results to my "color lingo" communication style quiz:

Color Lingo Communication Quiz
The GREEN Approach –

When communicating, Greens tend to think before they speak. They like to analyze what they have just heard, explore the many ways they could respond and choose the reply that most accurately and pertinently expresses their thoughts on the matter. Their goal is to obtain information so they can figure out, fix, improve, or invent something as a result.

To learn more about the GREEN communication style go to:


Have fun!
Facebook quizzes & Blog quizzes by Quibblo

and the other color test:

On-line Multiple Intelligence (M.I.) test and my results: