Tuesday, December 10, 2013

G.L.Arts: Vocabulary, Spelling, Skills Tutor

Here are the vocabulary words for "The Story of an Eyewitness" by Jack London:
  1. conflagration: a large destructive fire 
  2. lurid: very vivid in color, creating an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect. 
  3. contrivances: acts or objects of clever planning 
  4. flanked: placed at or approaching from the side of 
  5. enumeration: the act of counting or listing one by one 
  6. vestiges: visible signs of something that once existed 
  7. bayonets: blades that fit on the end of rifle for use in close combat 
  8. flotsam: floating wreckage left by a sunken ship 
  9. pall: a covering that darkens or obscures what is underneath 
  10. dun: dull brownish gray 
*Create a Google Document entitled: "Vocabulary - [your name]"

**Share your Doc with me as "can edit" or "can comment"

***For each word, complete the following:

  • Synonyms 
  • Antonyms 
  • Part of speech (verb, noun, adjective, adverb) 
  • Other related forms of the word (form: formed, forming, forms, formulate, formative, formal, formally, etc.) 
  • An interesting quote using the word (search for "[vocab word] quotes" or go to the goodreads or brainyquote websites and search the vocab word. 
  • An original sentence that uses the word in a way that shows you know what it means and how to use it correctly. 
For the rest of class you may study and quiz each other for the Spelling Bee Test (on Thursday) or continue on SKILLS TUTOR (remember your user name and password are your Student ID # and the site is hms03).

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

VIRTUAL TOUR of Our Water Supply

Where does our drinking water come from? Is it sustainable?
Take a TOUR of our water system
by clicking in the numbered stops in order.
For this assignment you will be the
You will present information about our water system to the class.  After you choose which part of the tour you will present you must prepare a presentation with these parts:

A.  a SUMMARY of what your part of the water system does:
  1. include an explanation of the problem(s) that it solves
  2. how it solves the problem(s) 
  3. an explanation of any technical terms, equipment, or chemicals involved
B. an ANALYSIS of the impact (good and bad) of that part of the water system on the sustainability sectors (environment, economy, society):
  • choose 1 sector to write a complete paragraph about.  Include a main idea and 3 supporting details and examples.  Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation for the other 2 sectors.
  • IMPORTANT! For this section you need to use 2 sources outside of the www.abcwua website (no wikipedia, yahoo, ask.com, or other generic sites).  Cite your source by pasting the URL address into your document.
  •   If you need help finding a good sources ask me for help!
  1. Environment - how it affects the natural systems around us
  2. Society - how it affects the health and happiness of groups of people
  3. Economy - how it affects people's ability to get money or important resources
C. an Evaluation of the how sustainable this feature of the waters system is:
  1. Identify 3 permaculture principles that apply to your part of the water system tour.
  2. For each principle, describe how your part of the water system follows and/or violates the permaculture principle.
  3. What is your opinion of the sustainability of this part of the water system?
Mr Sullivan's Example project Document

Peer Review of ABQ Water Tour

  • Share your document with all members of another group; give them the status of "can comment".
  • ***IMPORTANT!!! - Before you have your project reviewed, copy all of parts A, B, and C and paste them below your peer review
  • Also paste the following peer review instructions into your document.

Name of student(s) whose project is being reviewed:
Name of student(s) who are reviewing the project:

  1. Sentence quality: Highlight the best sentence in the project, and write “1 best sentence” in the comments.
  2. Sentence improvement: Highlight the best sentence in the project, and write “2 needs improvement” in the comments and give them any suggestions you have on improving it.
  3. Interesting fact/idea: Highlight the most interesting fact/idea and write “3 most interesting fact/idea” in the comments.
  4. Sources: highlight each of the sources in part B, and make a comment on each if you think it was a good source and why/why not.  If sources are missing or you can’t find them, make a comment on part B to remind of what they are missing.
  5. Best Permaculture Principle: In part C, highlight the best description of how a permaculture principle relates to their part of the water tour. Label the comment as before (with the number and section description).
  6. Unclear Permaculture Principle: In part C, highlight the best description of how a permaculture principle relates to their part of the water tour.  Label the comment as before (with the number and section description) and explain what was unclear or ask a question.
  7. Overall sustainability: Highlight part C-3 and explain whether you agree with their assessment or not.
  8. Editing and Revising: Now go back to your document and make the suggested improvements on your own project ON THE COPY BELOW THE PEER REVIEW.  Keep the peer reviewed copy the same so I can see what you changed!