Thursday, March 20, 2014

GLArts: Independent Reading Response

Due Friday March 21

  • Choose an appropriate level book/story.
  • Read it!
  1. SUMMARIZE the plot and describe the characters:
    • Describe the place and time of the setting (compare to ours).
    • Describe the main character(s).
    • Describe the problem or conflict the character(s) face in the story.
  2. How are the main character's choices and personality similar and different from yours? (paragraph response with examples)
  3. Choose five (5) challenging vocabulary words and complete a Frayer diagram for each one.
  4. What message is the author presenting? (Explain and justify your answer with examples from the text in a paragraph response.)
  5. What did you like best about the story? (Give examples and explain why)
    • What did you like least about the story? (Again, give examples and explain your reasoning)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Seminar Self-Assessment Survey

Please take this survey, answering as accurately as possible:
Seminar Self-Assessment Survey

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

GLArts: Here is a list of links for review activities

  • Vocabulary Analogies:
  • Grammar Games: Parts of speech (looks a bit kiddish, but we all need to review from time to time)
  • Online grammar course: Grammar Bytes (This is the best site I've seen so far. It is comprehensive and systematic, but you have to sign up--you can use your google account to sign in to make things simple)