Monday, May 12, 2014

Seminar: Solar Cooker Planning

Here is your chance to choose a design that you think will cook effectively.  See these websites for design ideas:

   Once you choose your design and find detailed plans for building it, you need to describe the following sections:

  1. Supplies, equipment, materials:  make a complete list of materials (mylar reflective material, glue, etc) and equipment (scissors) you need to complete the project.
  2. Reflector Angles:  
    • How are you going to measure and/or adjust the angles of the reflectors on the cooker?
    • How can you aim the cooker most effectively towards the sun?
  3. Trapping Heat:
    • What materials are you going to use to trap heat in your cooker?
    • Are any parts to be insulated?
    • What type of cooking container will you use (and who is bringing it?)
  4. Sustainability
    • Demonstrate your knowledge of sustainability by explaining what is sustainable and not sustainable about solar cookers.
    • Describe the impact solar cookers can have on society, environment, and/or economy.
    • Connect these ideas to at least one permaculture principle per person in your group.


5 points
4 points
1-3 points
Self grade:
Student used class time very well,  brought supplies from home, and even worked on the project outside of class time.  Asked for help when stuck instead of wasting time.
Only a little class time wasted; supplies acquired and project completed on time.
Project incomplete or does not justify the time allotted. Much time wasted and students had to be prompted to get on task many times.
Self grade:
Care was given to  follow instructions, make original modifications, and
make a quality product,
some care was taken in design and building.
product shows little attention to detail or is incomplete.
Self grade:

All members worked together in a respectful and effective manner.
Conflict or work habit issues arose but were worked out.
Conflict or work habit issues kept the group from being effective.
Food and cooking vessel  selection
Self grade:

Food selected from sustainable meal project and appropriate cooking vessel selected.
Food and cooking vessel brought from home.
Missing food and/or cooking vessel
Cooker Effectiveness
Self grade:

food cooked effectively.
food cooked with moderate success.
Solar cooker did not work.
Society, Environment,
(10 points)
Self grade:

Demonstrates high level understanding of how issues on the sustainability venn diagram are affected by solar cooking.
Domains of sustainability explained clearly in relation to solar cooking.

Permaculture Principle
(10 points)
Self grade:

Demonstrates high level understanding of permaculture principles and how it relates to solar cooking.
At least one Permaculture principle per person is clearly related to Solar cooking.
Principles missing or too vaguely explained.
Overall Sustainability Understanding
Self grade:

Student demonstrates extensive knowledge of scientific and practical aspects or solar cookers and their sustainability implications.
Student demonstrates clear understanding of scientific and/or practical aspects or solar cookers and their sustainability implications.
Student fails to demonstrate clear understanding of scientific and/or practical aspects or solar cookers and their sustainability implications.
Total Points
(out of 50)
Total Self grade:
Total Grade:

NAME (put your name in a column below and assess yourself)
The quality and quantity of my work was more than or equal to the others in my group.
The quality and/or quantity of my work was a little less than the others in my group.
The quality and/or quantity of my work was less than the others in my group.
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Friday, May 2, 2014

Parent Night Preparation

You have two options to prepare for parent night:

1. Polish and improve a project you have already done to be viewed by parents and peers during Gifted Night.  Make sure you have visually appealing elements and demonstrate your brilliance!


2. Continue the Permaculture Principal summary from Wednesday:

  • Choose a permaculture principle to describe and define in your own words.
  • Illustrate the principle with three examples from readings, projects, or activities in class this year.  Be sure to explain in detail how the examples relate to the principle!
  • Include visual elements that add meaning and interest to your principle
  • Explain how the principle applies to your life now and in the future.  Describe in detail!