Monday, August 24, 2015

Synergy Student-Vue, Research on Being Gifted, etc.

You will need to access Synergy "Student-Vue"  in order to complete some of your tasks for this class.  This is also an essential tool for you to keep track of your grades and communicate with your teachers. Click on the following link:

StudentVUE Account Access

You will use the same username and password here as you do to log in to the school computers.
You will see something like this:
On your class schedule, the Hyperlink for your teacher's names includes their email as well.  You will be using this to complete the Google survey form below.

As we discuss our experience and myths about being gifted, some of you will be doing this twice.   If you want to do some further research at this time, here are some great resources to check out:

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gifted Seminar: Multiple Intelligences

Click on the link for the Multiple Intelligences Document and follow the instructions.

Make sure you share your document with your Seminar teacher.  our email addresses are as follows:
Mr. Sullivan:
Mrs. Newton:
Ask a peer or teacher if you need help.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Gifted Language Arts (GLArts)

Project for Monday and Tuesday:
Evolution of our Language (Watch these Videos):

You will need to take notes in the form of a mind map:

You can copy this map and add to it.  MindMiester will connect to your google drive.