Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Seminar: Brain Research

Research on Brain Parts and Functions:

  • Each Brain/Poster group needs to make a copy of the Brain Parts and Functions Google Doc. 
  • Add your period and the first initial of each group member to the document name.
  • Share the document with each person in the group, as well as your teacher(s). 
  • Make a plan to divide the work fairly between your group members.
  • Be sure to paraphrase the information in your own words 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


  • Review the sides 7-9 from yesterday's introduction the first stages of the Hero's Journey.
  • Read the first part of the story of Hercules according to the (read up to the 12 Labors)
  • In a Google Doc with "hercules" in the title, Describe in detail how the story matches the theme of each slide (and how it is a little different)
    • (7) What has been taken or is missing from Hercules at the beginning of his story?
    • (8) How is he called out of the ordinary world?
    • (9) Who is the Herald that announces his adventure?
  • Short Essay: Choose a heroic story you are already familiar with to compare with Hercules.  Which of these main characters early lives best prepares them to be a hero?   Using examples from both stories, illustrate the differences between your chosen hero and Hercules, focusing on the beginning of their stories. Make your case for the best heroic beginning in three well-developed paragraphs. (Include the essay in your doc and share it with me.)

I also need everyone to join my REMIND group: