Monday, April 4, 2016

GLArts: Welcome to the BLOCK!

I know we will all take a while to get used to this very random BLOCK schedule (click to view the BLOCK).  By the time we are somewhat adjusted to it, it will go back to normal for a few weeks.  The good news is, that this schedule is great for doing projects.  The bad news is that if you are "not feelin' it" for a day, its like you get behind on 2 days worth of work.  We will also have to mix things up a bit during each period so we don't get burned out during the longer periods.

Here is the plan for today:
8:15-8:20 chill time/announcements
8:20-8:40 reflective writing/sharing
8:40-9:00 read theory
9:20          Break
9:30         begin writing project
10:00      vocabulary squares
10: 20     daily grammar
10:50      class ends