Wednesday, December 14, 2016

GLArts: Written Semester Exam

Your Semester Exam will be the final draft of the story you began with the writing prompt last Friday.  
This is Due Thursday at the end of class!
Here is the rubric that describes how you will be graded:

Plot structure
  • Introduce setting and character(s)
  • Pose a problem or conflict that the main character faces (internal and external)
  • resolved the problem/conflict in the character’s mind and/or the real world
  • Avoid using fragments or run-ons
  • Spell and punctuate correctly
  • Include a variety of sentence structures that flow nicely.
Creative detail
  • Demonstrate original ideas or perspectives
  • Develop your character(s) by showing what motivates them
  • Develop your setting with sensory description
  • Use dialogue effectively (when appropriate to the story)
  • Include ten (10) or more expressive, high-level vocabulary words (they do not have to be on the list, but that would be a good place to start).
  • Highlight the 10 or more vocab words in your document.
  • Replace the banal (bland, boring) words in your story with better ones.
