Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gifted Language Arts (GLArts!): Persuasive Writing

PLANS FOR SUBSTITUTE Wednesday 1-15-14
You will begin by thinking about the following question and discussing the arguments for and against it:
"Are good grades the most accurate indicator of success in school?"

Now form groups of two or three students to fill out the sections of the planning document below (copied on your own paper).  Each group must agree on which side of the question to take, and turn in a complete planning document for that position.

For the "objections" section you may get ideas for arguments against your side from another group that is taking the opposite position. Then think of ways to respond to those arguments.
Focus on these three types of arguments for your reasons:

  1. Ethical Appeal
  2. Testimonial (including personal and expert testimony)
  3. Emotional Appeal

Seminar: Student-as-Teacher Day preparation

I. Topic Selection
  • A. choose something you are interested in
  • B. select 2 or more terms or concepts from an academic subject (math, science, language arts, social studies) that you will teach in your lesson to relate to the lesson.
  • C. Sustainability Theme: Show how 1-3 of the permaculture principles relate to your topic
II. Goal: write a goal describing what you want people to learn from your lesson.
III. Activities: Describe the learning activities we will engage in during the lesson.
  • A. Presentation of Information: how will we get the information?
  • B. Active Participation of students: how will we use it in class to develop our knowledge?
IV.  Assessment:  Measure how well you achieved your goal using a test, quiz, rubric, self-assessment, written response, etc.