Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Seminar: Student-as-Teacher Day preparation

I. Topic Selection
  • A. choose something you are interested in
  • B. select 2 or more terms or concepts from an academic subject (math, science, language arts, social studies) that you will teach in your lesson to relate to the lesson.
  • C. Sustainability Theme: Show how 1-3 of the permaculture principles relate to your topic
II. Goal: write a goal describing what you want people to learn from your lesson.
III. Activities: Describe the learning activities we will engage in during the lesson.
  • A. Presentation of Information: how will we get the information?
  • B. Active Participation of students: how will we use it in class to develop our knowledge?
IV.  Assessment:  Measure how well you achieved your goal using a test, quiz, rubric, self-assessment, written response, etc.

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