Wednesday, December 14, 2016

GLArts: Written Semester Exam

Your Semester Exam will be the final draft of the story you began with the writing prompt last Friday.  
This is Due Thursday at the end of class!
Here is the rubric that describes how you will be graded:

Plot structure
  • Introduce setting and character(s)
  • Pose a problem or conflict that the main character faces (internal and external)
  • resolved the problem/conflict in the character’s mind and/or the real world
  • Avoid using fragments or run-ons
  • Spell and punctuate correctly
  • Include a variety of sentence structures that flow nicely.
Creative detail
  • Demonstrate original ideas or perspectives
  • Develop your character(s) by showing what motivates them
  • Develop your setting with sensory description
  • Use dialogue effectively (when appropriate to the story)
  • Include ten (10) or more expressive, high-level vocabulary words (they do not have to be on the list, but that would be a good place to start).
  • Highlight the 10 or more vocab words in your document.
  • Replace the banal (bland, boring) words in your story with better ones.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Design Principle 1: Observe and Interact

For our study of the first permaculture principle, click on the document for Observe and Interact and make a copy for your group.  When you are done you will insert your table in the bottom of the document.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Seminar Review

Today you will use the Sustainability Seminar List to review terms and concepts from this semester so far.  we will have a mid-term exam before christmas and this review will help you retain the information.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

GLArts: Vocabulary review

We will be using to review vocabulary words.  You can log on or create an account with your google to keep things simple.
2nd period join this group:
3rd period join this group:

Friday, November 4, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Choosing who to honor

Your homework for 2nd and 3rd period is to choose who to honor with your altar and interview.
Subject Selection:  The person needs to be . . .
  • No longer alive
  • Someone you admire and are curious about.
  • Someone you or your family feels connected to (whether relative or friend)
  • One or more people you can talk to must have know this person personally and be willing to give an interview about them.

MY EXAMPLE PROJECT: Remembering Paul D. Sullivan

  1. Candidates: 1. (Papa) Sullivan 2. (Aunt) Francis Dunbar  3. Carl Jones
    • I admire Papa Sullivan because he was a warm, thoughtful person who succeeded in ways that benefited other people.
    • The ways I feel connected to Papa are many.  He was a part of my life for over 30 years.  Family trips and vacations usually included him and Grandma.
    • I would like to know more about  his early life and his relationship with Grandma before they had kids.
  3. Homework: confirm sources - my grandmother and my father are willing to be interviewed about him and his life.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

IEP/Goal Worksheet

Click this link to go to the IEP/Goal Worksheet.  Make a copy of the Doc, put your name in the title, and complete the parts that are blue with creme background.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Gardener's Multiple Intelligences and YOU

We will be reviewing and assessing ourselves on the Multiple Intelligences again.  Please click on this link to view the google doc and follow the instructions.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Family Night for Gifted Students!

Balloons, Decorations, Party
Don't forget about our 
End of the year celebration!
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 @ 6pm   

The end of the school year is quickly approaching, and we want to celebrate the work of our gifted students with a Family Gifted Night.  Students’ work samples will be on display.  We will also take a moment to acknowledge our 8th graders as they conclude their middle school years.  The finale of the event will be the brain piñatas!   
The event will be potluck style, so this will be a great opportunity for you to showcase a favorite dish. Use this link to sign up for a dish to bring.

Be sure to mark the date on your calendar; Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!  As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Monday, April 4, 2016

GLArts: Welcome to the BLOCK!

I know we will all take a while to get used to this very random BLOCK schedule (click to view the BLOCK).  By the time we are somewhat adjusted to it, it will go back to normal for a few weeks.  The good news is, that this schedule is great for doing projects.  The bad news is that if you are "not feelin' it" for a day, its like you get behind on 2 days worth of work.  We will also have to mix things up a bit during each period so we don't get burned out during the longer periods.

Here is the plan for today:
8:15-8:20 chill time/announcements
8:20-8:40 reflective writing/sharing
8:40-9:00 read theory
9:20          Break
9:30         begin writing project
10:00      vocabulary squares
10: 20     daily grammar
10:50      class ends

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Field Trip Photo Journals

Each student who attended the field trip on Wednesday needs to write a short paragraph about something they learned or enjoyed from those who spent time guiding and teaching us at UNM.
Here is a reminder of names and activities:

  • Dr. Dave Shahani (a doctor of neurology) gave us a tour of the children's hospital, taught us about the brain, answered questions, and showed us many models,  books, and images. 
  • Dr. David Bashwiner (professor of music theory) showed us how the ear sends information to the brain, how some animals have amazing patters in their "songs," and shared some songs with us.
  • Daniel Linver of the UNM Art Museum greeted you and arranged your viewing of the art exhibits.
In your paragraph, describe something specific that you learned, experienced, or observed.  Make sure you explain why you found the experience interesting or fun.

Post your paragraph and pictures in comments on this blog entry (please sign in to blogger first).

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Gifted Seminar: Sub plans for Wed., March 16th

Continue Working on the Stress Relaxation Room Project.

  • If you have more research to do, continue to document it in part 2.  
    • be sure to think about windows and lighting
    • it will be helpful if you can find specific products you would use rather than just "a couch" or "a lamp," etc.
    • I know you do not have access to paper drawings left in the classroom.  Just find something else to work on for today:
      • perhaps work on a google drawing for your final project
      • or make a vision board combining pictures from a "room view" of your plan
      • or start writing your proposal
My example of a vision board:

Gifted Language Arts: plans for 3/16

Today you will be meeting in the library.  Mrs. Hoover will set you up with the laptops.

Here are today's assignments:
  • Writing prompt (respond to this prompt in a comment to this blog post):
    • Think of an item that you have recently (or currently) owned to write a review of like you might see on and other similar sites.  
    • Name the item and Rate it from 1 to 5 stars.
    • Write 1-3 well written paragraphs describing . . .
      • how you have used the item and how well it suits that purpose
      • the positive characteristics of the item
      • the ways the item disappointed you or needs improvement
    • Do your best to sound like an educated young adult so people will take your review seriously.
  • Take at least one passing quiz on
  • Review words on

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Track and Field!

Those of you on the HMS Track & Field Team, please join the group using this link:

Have your parents join too! Thanks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Vote for our video! (please)

Cactus Tractor's latest video was submitted for a contest on National Public Radio.  Go to this website if you want to vote:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Stress Poster

Go to this document to see poster instructions:  Stress Response Project(s)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Make a copy of this document for your work today:
Summary sheet

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Seminar: Introduce your S.K.B. to the class

 See the S.K.B document for part 10 of your S.K.B. Project, which is due this Friday.  You should take time to make sure everything is complete.  I will be rolling out part 11 tomorrow in case you are done early.


Go to this Persuasive Essay document and make a copy.  Follow the instructions as the assignment is updated.