Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Gifted Language Arts: plans for 3/16

Today you will be meeting in the library.  Mrs. Hoover will set you up with the laptops.

Here are today's assignments:
  • Writing prompt (respond to this prompt in a comment to this blog post):
    • Think of an item that you have recently (or currently) owned to write a review of like you might see on and other similar sites.  
    • Name the item and Rate it from 1 to 5 stars.
    • Write 1-3 well written paragraphs describing . . .
      • how you have used the item and how well it suits that purpose
      • the positive characteristics of the item
      • the ways the item disappointed you or needs improvement
    • Do your best to sound like an educated young adult so people will take your review seriously.
  • Take at least one passing quiz on
  • Review words on


  1. I feel that redbull is a very misleading company because its says in their motto that the drink gives you wings but i have never gotten wings whilst drinking the brands product

  2. To: Otterbox

    I have recently purchased a phone protector for my phone. I like how the case is very well made
    and functional not too bulky.Unfortunately once my phone fell out of my pocket with the case and the case broke the impact was not too rough so I don’t know why that happened. If you can please revise that on your cases so that that does not happen to anyone else.

    1. Rating: This is a good start. Talk about the good parts of the case as well.
      Start by describing how long ago you purchased it and how roughly you have used the item. Good description of the moment the product broke. Remember, that a review is written for other potential customers (not the manufacturer).

  3. Rate: ⅘

    The Xbox 360 is a great gaming console. The console itself looks great and runs fast and smoothly. After time the Xbox 360 overheats too easily and eventually gets what is know “ The red ring”. The Xbox 360 needs a better cooling system for in order not to overheat or slow down at all. Overall the Xbox 360 is a great video and gaming console, but fans would rather prefer the Xbox one.
