Thursday, March 24, 2016

Field Trip Photo Journals

Each student who attended the field trip on Wednesday needs to write a short paragraph about something they learned or enjoyed from those who spent time guiding and teaching us at UNM.
Here is a reminder of names and activities:

  • Dr. Dave Shahani (a doctor of neurology) gave us a tour of the children's hospital, taught us about the brain, answered questions, and showed us many models,  books, and images. 
  • Dr. David Bashwiner (professor of music theory) showed us how the ear sends information to the brain, how some animals have amazing patters in their "songs," and shared some songs with us.
  • Daniel Linver of the UNM Art Museum greeted you and arranged your viewing of the art exhibits.
In your paragraph, describe something specific that you learned, experienced, or observed.  Make sure you explain why you found the experience interesting or fun.

Post your paragraph and pictures in comments on this blog entry (please sign in to blogger first).

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Gifted Seminar: Sub plans for Wed., March 16th

Continue Working on the Stress Relaxation Room Project.

  • If you have more research to do, continue to document it in part 2.  
    • be sure to think about windows and lighting
    • it will be helpful if you can find specific products you would use rather than just "a couch" or "a lamp," etc.
    • I know you do not have access to paper drawings left in the classroom.  Just find something else to work on for today:
      • perhaps work on a google drawing for your final project
      • or make a vision board combining pictures from a "room view" of your plan
      • or start writing your proposal
My example of a vision board:

Gifted Language Arts: plans for 3/16

Today you will be meeting in the library.  Mrs. Hoover will set you up with the laptops.

Here are today's assignments:
  • Writing prompt (respond to this prompt in a comment to this blog post):
    • Think of an item that you have recently (or currently) owned to write a review of like you might see on and other similar sites.  
    • Name the item and Rate it from 1 to 5 stars.
    • Write 1-3 well written paragraphs describing . . .
      • how you have used the item and how well it suits that purpose
      • the positive characteristics of the item
      • the ways the item disappointed you or needs improvement
    • Do your best to sound like an educated young adult so people will take your review seriously.
  • Take at least one passing quiz on
  • Review words on

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Track and Field!

Those of you on the HMS Track & Field Team, please join the group using this link:

Have your parents join too! Thanks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016