Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Instructions for Thursday 3/9/17

I will be out of the classroom on Thursday to attend IEP meetings.  Here are your instructions.

Gifted Seminar (periods 1,4, & 6)
  • If you mad a digital poster for your Produce No Waste project, print out your poster and turn it in to the sub! (Be sure to write your name(s) in the margin if you want credit for it.)
  • Finish any work you have not completed on the  Produce No Waste project, including any filming.  Be sure to get 
  • If you are finished with this, create a comic using humor to address some issue about waste, recycling, or sustainability in general.
Gifted Language Arts
  • Review the Analogy problems on this link
  • Create 5  analogy problems including at least 1  vocabulary word from your word list per problem.  (2nd period list, 3rd period list)
    • The vocabulary word should be in the first pair of words.  
    • Use the words you have the most trouble with first.
    • Use a different type of analogy “bridge” for each one.
    • use this format:
    Bridge Type: Lack
    1) CORRUPT : MORALS ::
    A) talented : skill
    B) rude : intelligence
    C) fortunate : money
    D) ruthless : mercy
  • Study the vocabulary words on, starting with the current list and reviewing past words

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