Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sub Plans: Fractured Pictures & Shared Inquiry

Below are the fractured picture images that each Seminar class chose to complete:
1st period
4nd period

5th period

When you are done with your squares, we will need 2-3 students to assemble the squares together and glue them to the black paper.  Make sure you leave about a finger width of space between each square.
Each student needs to Follow this link to assess your teamwork for this activity.

If you have extra time, choose a critical thinking activity from the blue "daily spark" book, go to http://www.squiglysplayhouse.com/BrainTeasers/, or check out the games in the painted cabinet.

GIFTED LANGUAGE ARTS (periods 2,3,7) Students should begin by answering the follow-up question to the discussion we had yesterday. This is on p.27 of the small, purple "Shared Inquiry" booklets. Each student should already have a copy. When this is complete, they may read independently or work on their Writer's Hour project (desktop computers are available for this).

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