Monday, December 17, 2012

Soundscape Project

Project Requirements: 
  • Make a thematic collage base on one of the sub themes of sound, scan it (or take a picture with the elmo),make it into your background for your title page. 
  • Present an extended analogy of the ear, comparing it to another complex mechanism. 
  •  Create a graphic chart using data from the sounds related to your collage theme.  Compare the amplitude, frequency, and your reaction to each sound on a scale of 1-10. 
  •  Demonstrate complex understanding of one of the Sound Vocabulary words using these features (at minimum): 
    • Definition in your own words 
    • Synonyms and antonyms 
    • A complex sentence using the word 
    • A two line rhyme that relates to the meaning of the word 
  • Go beyond the requirements.  To have receive 5 out of 5 in ANY category, you need to go beyond the requirements.  If you simply do a good job on what I require, the highest grade you can receive is a B.  following is an incomplete explanation of ways to show initiative and go beyond my requirements: 
    • Extra EFFORT  can be shown by doing more quantity than is required, getting work done efficiently in class, and going beyond what is comfortable and easy for you, etc. 
    • Extra CREATIVITY can be shown by using advanced features in the Powerpoint program, using graphics in a pleasing and effective way to enhance content, adding your own personalized artwork (beyond the required collage), making a recongnizable theme that adds to instead of distracting from your information, etc. 
    • Extra UNDERSTANDING can be shown by using your knowledge to show higher level thinking skills (Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation).  ANALYSIS: study the root parts of words, map the vocab words on the Sound Idea map, etc.  

 Soundscape rubric (I will use this to grade your project)

1-3 points
4 points
good - meets requirements
5 points
excellent – exceeds requirements
1= not even close
Artistic skills used
Technical proficiency
Theme developed
Additional artwork, tech. excellence, elaborations
2= needs
Synthesis, Analysis, or Evaluation level reached in content
Written descriptions, extra analogies, independent research
3= OK
Class time used well, care and hard work are evident
Higher quantity and/or quality of work

Ear Analogy
Data Chart
Vocabulary Word
Something extra
Total: ____ / 20

These are slides from my example project.  
Use them as a guide and a source of ideas, but make it your own.

Now you can modify the image to be less distracting.  I mostly just lowered the brightness on mine.

 At least one of your slides needs to Include the chart
 where you make an extended analogy for the ear.

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