Wednesday, January 16, 2013


To start your project please do the following:

  • Find a book (or two) from the library related to a topic you are curious about
  • Write down 3 questions that you hope the book(s) will answer
  • Start a power point project and save it as "YOURNAMEcuriosity" and save it on your student data account (find it under the COMPUTER section).
  • on a new slide, 
    • type the title of the book and the author
    • Write your 3 questions about your subject. Be sure to include a How or Why question.
Tuesday Jan. 22 - Thursday Jan. 24
  • Make 3 question and information Slides for Phase I (questions and info for the book you chose)
  • Complete phase II
    • Ask 3 new questions on a new slide (related to information you found in phase I but you can go any direction from there)
    • Phase II information: Make 2 different slides (at least) including these 3 things:
      • Address to website you got some interesting information from
      • A small selection of pasted information from the site (be sure to use "quotes")
      • Comments in your own words about specific things you learned and/or you opinion of the web site.
  • Phase III: Analysis Questions
    • new and improved questions using 3 of the following patterns of questioning:
        • Comparing -
      • How is _____ similar to/different from_______?
        • Identifying Attributes and Components -
      • What are the characteristics/parts of _______?
        • Classifying -
      • How might we organize _______ into categories_______?
        • Ordering -
      • How can _____ Arrange into sequence (according to _______)?
  • Keep in mind that you will be required to go beyond the basic requirements to get an A
  • Use extra time to find more information to include in your presentation and to make your presentation more impressive!

Other Project resources:

  • My concept map of the topic (below):

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

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