Tuesday, February 11, 2014

GLArts: Research for your Persuasive Essay

Here is your chance to look up sources, facts, and data to back up your arguments in your persuasive essay.  You may also use this time to type what you have of your essay so far.  I expect you to have at least three (3) {III} [!!!] facts or statistics from outside sources.
Make sure you save the url address for the source so you can find it and cite it properly later.  Use this format to help you:

Argument: People drive places that are obviously wrong, just because their phone tells them it is right, ignoring their common sense.
Supporting Fact:  over 300,000 car accidents have been caused by GPS in Brittian and over 1.5 million have swerved in traffic because the the gadget told them to in error.
Connection to thesis: this only goes to show how the evolution of technology is making humans more helpless and incompetent: smart phones really do make you stupid!
Source: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2008/07/gps-causes-3000/

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