Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Seminar: Survey Questions for GIS Map

Goal:  To write survey questions that have various geographical answers that are represented by sections of the HMS map.  These questions should help us understand how and where the needs of people at the school are met.

Hierarchy of needs: We will use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to organize the types of questions we ask, starting with the bottom.

Start a Google Document for your group and make sure it is shared with Mr. Sullivan and everyone in your group .  Title the Document: Survey Questions-first names in your group. Here is my SAMPLE DOCUMENT if you want to see an example.

Here is a sample of the school map (still in progress):

Once you have finished at least 5 questions (per person in group) for Physiological Needs and 5 for Safety and Security Needs, talk to me about the next section. The more questions you have the better chance of having good questions for you final survey.
Here are some sources to read more about the Hierarchy of needs.  Read them before you go on to write questions for level 3 and 4:

Educational Psychology Interactive: Maslow's 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post,i found lot of information regarding my job search.I updated my knowledge with this blog.it can help me to crack GIS jobs in Hyderabad.
