Monday, September 22, 2014

SEMINAR: Intelligence Tests

Thursday, September 18, 2014

G.L.Arts: Narrative & Plot: Final Writing Assignment

Compose a story with the following elements  (Due Thurs 9/18):

  1. Create a PLOT DIAGRAM describing the internal and external developments in the main character and his/her setting.
  2. Write a FIRST DRAFT of the story including a minimum of 10 vocabulary words from the list (more than 10 is even better) and 10 linking verbs (see p. 10 of your grammar workbook for review).  
  3. PEER REVEIW: Trade papers (first draft and plot diagram) with a classmate.
    1. Read their story and answer the following questions on a separate paper to be attached to their assignment. Label your comments as “Peer Review” at the top; Story by  ________; Reviewed by _______.
      1. What part of the story was most interesting or engaging?
      2. What did you find confusing or lacking detail?
      3. What aspect of the character or setting would you like to have more description of?
      4. Mark any grammar, spelling, or syntax errors in purple highliter.
    2. Attach the response of the person who reviewed your story to your paper
    3. Read/discuss each other’s  feedback comments
    4. On the same paper they gave you, add a section titled: "Reflections on Peer Feedback." In this section you will describe how you will improve your story in the final draft.
  4. FINAL DRAFT: Make the improvements listed in "Reflections" section of your peer review.
Turn all 4 parts in together, stapled and clearly labeled.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web-Quest for Info. on Gifted Education

Open a new tab of this blog and go to the "Info for Parents" tab above. Click on the "Hoagies for gifted" link.  Then follow these steps with your group:

  1. Choose one of the Frequently answered questions that you are curious about and summarize the answer in your own words.
  2. Each group will choose one of the following sections to present to class.  You need to describe the kinds of information available in your section and give details about anything you find to be particularly important. Be sure to explore and describe any links as well:
    1. Identification
    2. Testing
    3. Gifted Education and Gifted Programs
    4. Support
  3. Each person in your group come up with a question that they would like to know more about related to Giftedness.
  4. Explore the rest of the website.  Share one interesting page you found.
  5. Email me with your response to these steps at (be sure to write the names of everyone in your group).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Superhero Project: Analyze and Create!

WED 9/3 to THURS 9/4: compare superheroes/villains

  • compare 3 super-villains and 3 superheroes side by side using
  • Explain for each hero/villain: What problems are they most suited to solve or cause? Why? 
  • choose a real world problem that is important to your group; 
  • create a super-villain to symbolize, cause, or worsen that problem

    • describe their history (why they turned bad) 
    • describe their statistics and powers 
    • describe their dastardly plan 

  •  design a superhero who is ideal to save the day, include: 

    • their public identity and personal history
    • superpowers 
    • statistics: strengths and weaknesses 
    • How will they overcome the villain and his/her evil plan?
CREATIVE APPLICATION of hero and villain (choose as many as you can realistically do):
    • write the story of your characters
    • write a skit or screenplay
    • draw a promotional poster or comic cover
    • make a comic strip (use paper or
    • act out a scene, commercial, etc.
    • make a costume
    • diagram technological gadgets used by your characters
    • etc. (if you think of something else, run it by me)
Superhero Project Rubric:
description of villains/heroes
(6 points)
describe and explain specific problems that could be caused/solved by 3 superheroes and 3 supervillains

choose a problem  (2 points)
choose a specific real-world problem of any sort

original supervillain (8 points)
Design an original villain that can cause/symbolize the problem; include personal history, power stats, and evil plan to create the problem.

original superhero (8 points)
Design an original superhero who can overcome the villain and the problems he causes.  Describe public identity, personal history, superpowers, natural strengths and weaknesses,  and how  he/she can overcome the villain’s plan.

Creative EFFORT (10)
use time effectively and efficiently, preparing work and materials outside of class, effective teamwork

QUALITY of Product(s) (10)
end product displays care, talent, and creative vision.  Ideas are implemented in original, artistically-pleasing ways

COMMUNICATION of Characters (10)
the project focuses time and creativity of the group in ways that add to the detail, description, and personality of your hero and villain character