Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web-Quest for Info. on Gifted Education

Open a new tab of this blog and go to the "Info for Parents" tab above. Click on the "Hoagies for gifted" link.  Then follow these steps with your group:

  1. Choose one of the Frequently answered questions that you are curious about and summarize the answer in your own words.
  2. Each group will choose one of the following sections to present to class.  You need to describe the kinds of information available in your section and give details about anything you find to be particularly important. Be sure to explore and describe any links as well:
    1. Identification
    2. Testing
    3. Gifted Education and Gifted Programs
    4. Support
  3. Each person in your group come up with a question that they would like to know more about related to Giftedness.
  4. Explore the rest of the website.  Share one interesting page you found.
  5. Email me with your response to these steps at (be sure to write the names of everyone in your group).

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