Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Seminar: Remembering Who We've Lost

ASSIGNMENT Part I: Interview.  Choose a person to honor in your family.  This should be someone you admire and you must have at least two people to interview who knew them well.
  1. Candidates (list 3 if possible)
    • I admire this person because . . .
    • The way I feel connected to this person is . . .
    • I would like to know more about . . .
  3. Homework: confirm sources
  4. Interview topics: 15-20
  5. Interview questions:
    • Conversational (knowledge level), Going Deeper (analysis-evaluation), and Clarifying (comprehension); see Bloom’s Taxonomy question stems below.
    • Great interview questions from StoryCorps: Great questions for anyone, Remembering a loved one, Growing Up.
    • You need to write down at least 20 questions.
    • Put the questions in an order that flows conversationally.
  6. Due Friday: Conduct at least one 10-20 minute interview (it can go longer if you want) of a family member or family friend who knew your relative well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

GLArts: Halloween Poem

Check out the Halloween themed poems you and your classmates wrote. There are some great lines in there! If yours is not there, make sure to add it this week!  You can paste your poem in comments if you want me to add it that way.  Feel free to comment on any lines or phrases you really like; just keep it positive or I will have to turn comments off.

MBTI Personalities, Social Media, and Data discussion

Today I would like you all to analyze and discuss some data about social media and personality types.  In comments on this post, I would like you to answer these two questions. I recommend typing them in another document first, then pasting them into comments to avoid losing work.  Also you may have to sign in to blogger, which can be done using your Google sign-in.
Questions for you to answer in comments:
Q1: What letter polarity is most responsible for differences in social media use? Give evidence from the statistics and explain it from your understanding of the personality theory.
Q2: Take a close look at one of the statistics below.   What does it mean to you?  Does it confirm or contradict what you thought was true?

(Click here for a full size display.)


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Seminar: Your MBTI Personality Type

Today you will be taking two different personality tests that are trying to determine the same categories.  The test is called the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI for short), which is based on the theories of the psychologist Carl Jung.   These personality types are not always precise, so it is good to have a second opinion.
***If you are not sure what a question means, please ask me.  If you guess wrong it can make your results much less useful!***

Please type or paste the numbers and headings of the steps into your own document for clarity.
1. TESTS: Everyone needs to take two of these tests:
2. DECIDING WHAT FITS YOU BEST: And then you need to fill it out on this web page:
Your 4 Personality Type Letters

3.  READING YOUR DESCRIPTION: Now look at the overview for your four-letter type on the website below and Paste the description of your personality type into your Identity Doc.  If you cannot decide between two types, you may need to do both of them.
4. MARKING THE TEXT: TRUE OR FALSE?  Now you will be marking the things you agree and disagree with.  Once you paste the description into your document (you might want to adjust the font size), you need to highlight these things in the description:
  • anything you think is really true about you, highlight in green
  • anything you think is not really accurate about you, highlight in red
5. CAREERS INFO: After the Introduction to your personality type, there are several more sections. Find the CAREER PATHS section, paste it into your document, and highlight in red and green as above:

6. Choose ONE OTHER SECTION to paste into your document and highlight in red and green as above:. . .
  • Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Romantic RelationshipS
  • Friendships
  • Parenthood
  • Workplace Habits 

7. SUMMARIZE and give PERSONAL EXAMPLES: View the video  and descriptions of your type on this website:
In your document, summarize in your own words, what does your personality type mean to you?  Give at least 3 specific examples from your life and experience that demonstrates how you are like this (or not).

8. JUST FOR FUN: Check out the this humorous blog about MBTI personality types and read a post that mentions something about your type.  What did it say about your type?  Does it seem like an accurate application of the personality type theory?

9. SPIRIT ANIMAL: Choose an animal that represents your personality.  Type the name of the animal, include a picture of the animal, and explain how it represents your personality.

GLArts: NewsELA and Vocabulary

Today you will be practicing your reading comprehension and learning about current events simultaneously.  Go to, create a student account, and use this code to sign in to my class: TXSZG
You need to complete 5 articles.

I would also like you to check out a website for practicing vocabulary.  This link is to a list I made for our words so far this year:
but when you are done with this, try this list to prepare you for college: