Tuesday, October 14, 2014

MBTI Personalities, Social Media, and Data discussion

Today I would like you all to analyze and discuss some data about social media and personality types.  In comments on this post, I would like you to answer these two questions. I recommend typing them in another document first, then pasting them into comments to avoid losing work.  Also you may have to sign in to blogger, which can be done using your Google sign-in.
Questions for you to answer in comments:
Q1: What letter polarity is most responsible for differences in social media use? Give evidence from the statistics and explain it from your understanding of the personality theory.
Q2: Take a close look at one of the statistics below.   What does it mean to you?  Does it confirm or contradict what you thought was true?

(Click here for a full size display.)


from http://www.capt.org/mbti-assessment/estimated-frequencies.htm


  1. Question 1. Extrovertive because you are directing your interests to the outside world. Individuals have a preference of being extrovertive with 40% of the people.

    Question 2. The statistics below validate my intelligence type. It gives very good info and includes specific percents for each one. Only 11.8% have a twitter account for ESTJ and I don't have a twitter. Everything is on point for my intelligence type.

  2. Question 1: The personality letter that makes a difference is E (extraverted) because they are more sociable and like to be the center of attention.
    Question 2: The statistics show that extraverted people use social media networks like twitter and facebook more than introverted people. Extraverted people also share more information about their personal life on these sites. So the statistics prove my theory to be correct.

  3. Question 1: The Extraversion type uses social media.
    Question 2: The statistics show that extravertive people use social media. I believe this because they like to share what they are doing with people.Thats what Extroverive people are.

  4. Q1. Extrovertive(E) tend to use Social Media because they “Feel deprived when cut off from interaction with the outside world” and are “usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things.” Extroverts are “outgoing, overtly expressive people.” 69% people that were Extroverts used Facebook, and 60 % (Introverts) used Facebook. (Extroverts-40% Linkedin, Introverts- 28% Linkedin)
    Q2. Statistics show that Extroverts(F-69% L-40%) use social media the most and Introverts(F- 60% L-28%) use it less. Introverts are “closed” to the outside world because they are motivated internally. And again, Extroverts are “Usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things.”
    F=Facebook, L=Linkedin
    Reason Twitter is not on here: it is slightly inaccurate, the image states: “Given the small sample size for Twitter responses, additional research may be helpful in better understanding these apparent differences.”

  5. Q1: Extraverted people use more social media then introverted people because they dont like to keep things to themselves and just socialize more with everything that happens

    Q2: The statistics below show that extraverted people have social media more than introverted people and they interact more. I think that is true because most extraverted people enjoy the company of somebody and are most liking to tell everyone everything like on social media or just anybody they want.

  6. The two letters that are responsible for the difference in social media use are E & I. That is because in the graph they show they put the different personality types into two groups. And the two groups are the letters E & I.

    The statistics below meant too me was that the more different your personality was the different the percentages were. Some of the percentages were really close too eachother and that may mean the personality types are similar. Yes it is what i thought was true.

  7. Q1: The letter polarity that is most responsible for the differences in social media use is E and I. Extraverted people use social media more that introverted people because while extraverts like being social and open, introverts keep to themselves more.

    Q2: The statistic below shows that extraverted people are more likely to have social media than introverted people. To me, this means that extraverted people are more comfortable with sharing their feelings and ideas with others than introverted people are. This statistic confirms what I thought about these personality types.
