Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Seminar: Remembering Who We've Lost

ASSIGNMENT Part I: Interview.  Choose a person to honor in your family.  This should be someone you admire and you must have at least two people to interview who knew them well.
  1. Candidates (list 3 if possible)
    • I admire this person because . . .
    • The way I feel connected to this person is . . .
    • I would like to know more about . . .
  3. Homework: confirm sources
  4. Interview topics: 15-20
  5. Interview questions:
    • Conversational (knowledge level), Going Deeper (analysis-evaluation), and Clarifying (comprehension); see Bloom’s Taxonomy question stems below.
    • Great interview questions from StoryCorps: Great questions for anyone, Remembering a loved one, Growing Up.
    • You need to write down at least 20 questions.
    • Put the questions in an order that flows conversationally.
  6. Due Friday: Conduct at least one 10-20 minute interview (it can go longer if you want) of a family member or family friend who knew your relative well.

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