Sunday, November 9, 2014

Seminar: Interview Introduction

Due by the beginning of class this Wednesday (11/12) you will need:

  • Typed and edited introductions to your interviews (saved in Google Drive and shared with me)
  •  You must also have your interview recordings downloaded onto google drive.  (Ask me if you don't know how to do this). OR detailed notes from your interview (if you are doing a news story version)
Below is the rubric for your INTRODUCTION:
You will notice that I did not give you a minimum length.  If you do a good job explaining each rubric category, it will probably be at least 2-3 well developed paragraphs (maybe more).
Rubric category
description of 5 points
Explain the purpose of the project, why you are personally interested, and what you hope to learn.

Where and when did you meet; describe the room, what else is happening,

description of interviewee
age, clothing, facial expressions, willingness, movements,

personal history
How do they know the person you are asking about? any other interesting details that give us a picture (job, personality, favorite activities, career,  etc.)

my perspective
thoughts and feelings before and during the interview about what is said or how the interview is going

audience engagement
Did you hook your audience with specific details, humor, or stories, personal details, etc.?


    To see more details about this project, including my Example Introduction, check out my Google Doc for this project: REMEMBERING WHO WE'VE LOST

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