Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Seminar: Culture and Humor

Guiding Questions: How does culture influence what we find funny?
                  Why do these things often fail to translate across cultures?
Analyze these two articles:
Include: Kim Jong Un; Kwintessential; universal; The Onion; Mandarin; satire; slapstick; quintessential
Include: Comedy Tourism; zinger; LaughLab; "grain of salt"; corroborate; "macro topics"

Your analysis of the article needs to include the following:
  1. At least one note (key words/ideas)  AND one question per paragraph (can be about word meanings, ideas mentioned, interpretation, or expanding)
  2. Describe the most interesting or important point the author made.
  3. Summarize the essential of what the author says in 3 sentences or less.
  4. Go back and answer questions at the end (you may ask for help).
  5. Be prepared to present your findings to the class.

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