Wednesday, February 4, 2015

American Values Analysis

Read your page from Kohls' Guide to American Values.
For each value on your page, complete these steps.
  1. Summarize the Information
    1. mark key words in each section
    2. In one sentence, summarize the value in your own words
    3. vocabulary: mark any difficult or unfamiliar words using a different color
  2. Analysis: For each value in your section . . .
    1. Give an example of this value in action from your own experience.
    2. Give a personal example of someone violating this value.
    3. Describe the opposite value (see chart) in basic terms.
    4. make a graph like below for each value and have each person in your group identify how they rate the value on the scale (example below):
control -1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10- fate/luck
name: value rating.  Briefly explain why.
Mr. Sullivan: 4.  I make many efforts to improve my life and situation, but I also see any real sense of control as an illusion.  

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