Thursday, February 5, 2015

While I'm gone . . .

This Friday while I am gone, you will be meeting in H 25 (Mrs. Newton's class).  I had planned to use the computer lab, but all labs are closed for test preparation tomorrow.  We have reserved the iPad lab to share with Mrs. Newton's classes.  Please be respectful of Mrs. Newton's space and rules and follow your sub's instructions as well!

Gifted Language Arts (1st Period):  
Your assignment is to practice the vocabulary from the "Galloping Foxley" story we just read (see the link).
  • Begin by reviewing the word list using the flash card mode and the games.
  • I groups of 3 or less (you may work alone) create a google doc entitled "Foxley Vocab Words." Clearly write the names of each group member at the top of the document.  Include the following elements:
    • Choose your 10 favorite words from the list.
    • QUOTES: Choose a quote from that uses each word in a way that you admire.  Paste each of the 10 quotes into the QUOTES section of your document.
    • STORY/POEM: Now that you have seen the word used effectively, do your best to use each of the 10 chosen words appropriately in a story or poem.
Gifted Seminar (2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 6th)
You have two choices of what you work on:
  • Prepare your group presentation on american values for Monday.  A picture representing or demonstrating each value will improve your presentation considerably.
  • Review the project you have selected to showcase for Family Night.  Make any improvements you can think of in presentation quality, editing, and content.  Then exchange projects with another student and get their feedback.  Look for any way you can make the project more impressive and interesting to a general audience of parents, siblings, and students.
Have a great Friday!
-Mr. Sully

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