Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Culture Research Evaluation & Field Trip

Take a few moments to look at the powerpoint for the Gutierrez-Hubbell House we will be visiting tomorrow.  Then look at the Culture Research Outline.  To what parts of the outline might this experience relate?

Research Evaluation (here is how I am grading your research):
  • Research Card quality: 60 points
    • I will evaluate three cards per student (20 points possible for each).
    • You can choose 2 of the cards, I will choose the 3rd.  
    • All 3 cards should not be about the same culture.
  • Research Card quantity: 40 points
    • 8th graders: 24 completed cards
    • 7th graders: 20 completed cards
    • 6th graders: 16 completed cards
It looks like this:
All research is due by the end of class on Tuesday, April 21st.  I expect to complete the card checks the previous week, so you must have your selected cards done by Friday, April 17. if you have them done earlier, let me know and I will evaluate it as you go.

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