Friday, April 17, 2015

GLArts Poetry: Presentation

Choose one poetic device of sound and one of meaning from the Chapparal Poets website.

You may work with one or more partners to present these devices to the class on Tuesday.

The following elements need to be in your presentation:

-Poetic sound device:
  • explain what it is 
  • choose an image that represents the device to you and explain how it relates to the device
  • give two examples from poetry or song that have the device
  • Explain why would an author use this device

-Poetic meaning device:
  • explain what it is 
  • choose an image that represents the device to you and explain how it relates to the device
  • give two examples from poetry or song that have the device
  • Explain why would an author use this device
-Write a poem with at least four lines that uses both of these devices.  If you can combine your devices with your partners, even better!

Include Previous Poems:

  • Type one of your Haikus and one of your Limericks into your document.  Choose one to share in your presentation.  
  • You may also share another poem for extra credit.

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