Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sub Plans: Fractured Pictures & Shared Inquiry

Below are the fractured picture images that each Seminar class chose to complete:
1st period
4nd period

5th period

When you are done with your squares, we will need 2-3 students to assemble the squares together and glue them to the black paper.  Make sure you leave about a finger width of space between each square.
Each student needs to Follow this link to assess your teamwork for this activity.

If you have extra time, choose a critical thinking activity from the blue "daily spark" book, go to http://www.squiglysplayhouse.com/BrainTeasers/, or check out the games in the painted cabinet.

GIFTED LANGUAGE ARTS (periods 2,3,7) Students should begin by answering the follow-up question to the discussion we had yesterday. This is on p.27 of the small, purple "Shared Inquiry" booklets. Each student should already have a copy. When this is complete, they may read independently or work on their Writer's Hour project (desktop computers are available for this).

Monday, August 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Problem Based Design Project

Sustainable Solutions to Real-World Problems

In this project, you will be using your accumulated understanding of sustainability to analyze and solve a problem that limits humanity’s ability to survive and thrive now and generations to come.

Here is a link to my Problem Based Design Document.  You will find updates to the project here as we go.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Seminar: Museum Artifacts, 2516

1st, 4th and 6th period: Below is the description of your challenge for the next two days.

Sustainability Museum Artifacts, 2516!

Challenge: Imagine you are the docent in charge of a Museum of Sustainability in 2516.  Your TASK is to create a museum exhibit of artifacts from the year 2016 to the present showing how we have developed more sustainable technology and ways of living.

You will give a PERFORMANCE of the presentation you will give to visitors of the museum, in which you . . .
  • describe the artifact from 2016, and explain what it did and why it is an important step in our development in sustainability.   Be sure to point out how this technology is simple and mention its many flaws.
  • Describe the problems that threatened humanity since that time, and describe how the modern (2516) technology more fully solved the problem.
  • Demonstrate the various features, functions, and design of each item.

Time: you will have two days of class to complete this challenge.  The teacher will choose 2 or 3 team captains and they will choose their groups.

Day 1: Plan out the problem of sustainability you will focus on and the technological solutions you will present from 2016 and 2516.  You should sketch your devices on paper, and put together any information for the museum exhibit.  I recommend that you do some research about scientific information on the devices you choose to describe.  
Day 2: Build your 3D models of the two devices, rehearse, and perform your museum presentation.

You are to use the materials to make a replica of this antique and then present a
PERFORMANCE in which you show what the antique is, and explain what it did and why it is
Scoring: You will receive . . .
  1. 20 points for creating replicas of your museum artifacts from 2016 and 2516.
  2. 20 points if you show the artifact from 2016 and explain what it did and why it is a key step in our development of sustainability for humanity.
  3. Up to 20 points for the information you provide about the problems faced and solved by your future world and an explanation of the technology or methods the used to address those problems in 2516.
  4. Up to 20 points for the creativity of the PERFORMANCE of your museum presentation.
  5. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.

GLArts: Writing with an Unreliable Narrator

(2nd and 3rd period) Now that we have read "The Tell-tale Heart," I would like you to try writing with a first-person narrator.  

Remember that this means that the story they tell is not really how things happened.  There are many reasons why the narrator would do this, so you need to think about the reasons your narrator is an unreliable story-teller. Are they biased in some way or just have something to hide? Do they make bad assumptions about the world, bad sources of information, or are they mentally ill and suffering from delusions, hallucinations, or altered states of mind?

Read this article from writers digest for some suggestions on how to do this well.

You may write on a google doc or on paper, be sure to share your document with me if you work online.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Instructions for Thursday 3/9/17

I will be out of the classroom on Thursday to attend IEP meetings.  Here are your instructions.

Gifted Seminar (periods 1,4, & 6)
  • If you mad a digital poster for your Produce No Waste project, print out your poster and turn it in to the sub! (Be sure to write your name(s) in the margin if you want credit for it.)
  • Finish any work you have not completed on the  Produce No Waste project, including any filming.  Be sure to get 
  • If you are finished with this, create a Pixton.com comic using humor to address some issue about waste, recycling, or sustainability in general.
Gifted Language Arts
  • Review the Analogy problems on this link
  • Create 5  analogy problems including at least 1  vocabulary word from your word list per problem.  (2nd period list, 3rd period list)
    • The vocabulary word should be in the first pair of words.  
    • Use the words you have the most trouble with first.
    • Use a different type of analogy “bridge” for each one.
    • use this format:
    Bridge Type: Lack
    1) CORRUPT : MORALS ::
    A) talented : skill
    B) rude : intelligence
    C) fortunate : money
    D) ruthless : mercy
  • Study the vocabulary words on quizlet.com, starting with the current list and reviewing past words