Wednesday, April 23, 2014

GLArts: Writing a Play/Screenplay

In an email, explain to me a idea you have for a screen play.  Once you have done this you may compare your ideas with others and form a group to collaborate with.
 In your group, decide on the following elements:
  1. Describe the Setting: Is this set in a realistic or unrealistic world?  The past, future, or present day? What is the historical background for the story?  Urban or rural? What is the natural climate/landscape?  
  2. Describe the Characters: At least one of the characters in the story must change or develop during the story.  Describe the external circumstances
  3. Describe the conflict and plot that will occur.
  4. What form of media would it be written for? Radio drama? Stage? Screen Play? Video game sequence?
For more in-depth help with these dramatic aspects, see the SCRIPTLAB website.

For how to format a screenplay like you're writing a real movie or TV show, see this very informative EXAMPLE SCREENPLAY.

To format a play or radio drama, use the this EXAMPLE STAGE PLAY.

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