Tuesday, April 1, 2014

GLArts: Informational Writing

  • Begin a Document titled "[your name] informative essay"
  • Read the Description of Informational/Explanatory Writing and  example essay linked here on "Football".
  1. In your document, answer the following questions in detail:
    • What is the difference between persuasive and informative writing?
    • What situations would you use informative writing and why?
  2. For each paragraph of the essay provide the following:
    • What would be a good title for this paragraph?
    • What question is being answered by the paragraph (be as specific as possible while including all the information.
  3. For the entire essay, what is the most specific question that is being answered by all the paragraphs?
  4. What part of the essay is most effective and why?
  5. How could the essay be improved? Give a specific example.
  • Topic Selection
  1. Write a list of 5 topics that you have extensive knowledge about and interest in.  It is best to choose something that reflects your personality and experience. 
  2. Choose one of these topics and write a list of 10 open ended questions about the topic.  
  3. Write an outline using the most interesting questions and adding questions where they are needed.  you need at least 5 paragraphs (including introduction and conclusion).

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