Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Seminar: Sustainable Meal Project PART 3

III. Improving the Sustainability of your Meal
(for details see my Example Project Doc)

Local Economy Report
A. Local/Sustainably-Farmed Food
  • For this section you will need to find a local source for at least one of your ingredients. The closer the better, but 150 miles is the maximum distance we will consider local.  
  • Document the local source for this food. 
  • helpful websites: Eat Well Guide, La Montanita Co-op, New Mexico products, NM Ranch
B. Improving the Nutritional balance of your meal
  • use the chart below to an analyze and improve your meal according to the food pyramid.
  • Remember to put the amount for one person's serving of your recipe, not the whole recipe.
  • Estimate a serving size as about the size of your fist.
  • The right column is where you must show what ingredients you might add to or substitute in your recipe to make it more nutritious (such as adding a cooked veggie or salad on the side or including fruit for dessert).
Pyramid Category
Ingredients from  original recipe (# of servings)
added or substituted for nutritionally balanced meal
Grains, potatoes
(6 servings per day)

(3 or more per day)

Friuts (2-4 per day)

Milk products or other calcium rich food
(2-3 per day)

Meat, beans, nuts, eggs
(2 servings per day)

fats, oils, sweets
(less than one serving per day)

Above is the analysis of my original recipe.
To the right is how i changed it by adding and substituting some ingredients.

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