Thursday, December 4, 2014

GLArts: Writing a story with an unreliable narrator

Tomorrow (Friday) I will not be here because I am getting my cast off.  You may work in groups of 3 or less (you may choose to work alone). Your rough draft is due on Monday. Your assignment will be to write a story with the following elements:

  • You must write from the point of view of a first person narrator who is unreliable (the reader can’t be sure he or she is telling the story accurately).  This may be because of mental illness or instability; it may be due to experiencing an extremely traumatic or exciting event; it may be because they have unusual sense of perception such as synesthesia, colorblindness, claim psychic abilities, etc.: they might just have a reason to lie because they want to cover up the truth.
  • The narrator must give some self description. There must be obvious clues that show that the narrator is unreliable. For simplicity, I recommend making the narrator the main character as well.
  • Your narrator must describe the setting in which his/her story takes place.
  • The story must introduce a conflict or a problem that the main character faces (internal, external, or both).
  • The problem must come to some sort of resolution where the character learns, changes, or develops in some way.
  • You must use at least 5 vocabulary words (more is even better).
  • Complete a plot diagram (like the ones we did earlier this year) to make sure you story is generally planned out and has the necessary parts.

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