Monday, December 15, 2014

Seminar: The 3 little pigs . . . South Valley version

Vocabulary and Culture Teamwork Creativity Challenge:
Your task is to retell the story of the three little pigs, but to change it to fit the culture and setting of the South Valley of Albuquerque.  Be sure to include a description of the setting and characters, the conflict each experiences, and the resolution of the conflict with the antagonist. Possible changes: animal, type of shelter, antagonist, etc.  This is due by the end of class on Wednesday.
You may accomplish this in a written story with visuals (pictures, maps, diagrams, etc.) or as a skit (or puppet show) with props.
Each person is responsible for 1 vocabulary word (use the word assigned to you).  Your word must be used correctly in the story/skit to receive full credit for your individual part.  You must also include a distinct prop, drawing, or visual action that represents the word in a memorable way.
Group Rubric (20 points total):
  • Cultural adaptation of story -5 points
  • Creativity and Originality of story- 5 points
  • Quality of visuals or performance- 5 points
  • Completeness of the plot  - 5 points
Individual Rubric:
  • Correct use of vocabulary word - 5 points

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