Tuesday, December 2, 2014

POST INTERVIEW: Creative Documentary (20 points)

This final phase of the project is meant to add interest, detail, and creativity to your interview.
Here are some of your options (choose at least one):

  • Photo Documentary (10-20 photographs): pictures of you, the person you interviewed,  the family member you lost, places of importance, objects of importance
    • at least 5 photos must be taken by you
    • up to half of the photos may be collected from family albums and walls (scanned digitally)
    • consider framing live people holding photos
    • include captions that describe the photo and credit the photographer.
  • Radio Style Audio interviews (edited with introduction and conclusion)
  • Visual timeline of their life
GRADING: Keep in mind that this is a 3-day assignment. To receive full credit, it should be clear that you worked efficiently for three class periods, as well as some effort on your own. Extra credit is available for those who demonstrate about double the required effort in a quality project. THIS PROJECT WILL BE GRADED ON EFFORT, QUALITY, AND RELEVANCE.

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