Monday, November 30, 2015

GLArts: Story Rewriting and Vocabulary

Third Draft of your story
You should now have 2 versions of your story in your document. In the bottom of your document, mark a section for the Third Draft; you may copy and paste anything from the second draft you want to use.  

Focus creating a setting for your first person narrator.  Where are they when they are thinking about these events in their lives?  What are they doing? Describe the sights, sounds, and textures, etc.

For example, if the narrator says:
I feel about as disgruntled as my neighbor's cat after my cousin lured it into the dryer for a ride.   Who would  have thought that such sorrow and lament could result from the business of a few pigeons?

You might imagine where he would be when revisiting this memory:
In this doleful hour, I sat with my head in my hands on the hard, grimy tiles that mostly covered the floor of this 24 hour laundromat.  I watched the evidence of my chagrin slowly disappear in the suds and water that swirled in the washer's round window.  Behind me, a cheap top-load washer began rocking loudly, waking me from my reverie without compunction.  I feel about as disgruntled as my neighbor's cat after my cousin lured it into the dryer for a ride. At least he had his hair dried and fluffed. Who would  have thought that such sorrow and lament could result from the business of a few pigeons?
Julian, I would like you to take this time to compose a story using as many words as possible from the vocabulary list "Words of Sadness."  Do your best to describe a setting, character, and at least a basic plot, especially conflict and resolution.  Please type this in a google doc and share it with me.

Vocabulary Review
Take what time you have left to review your vocabulary words.  I will be including a few review words in all of the following vocabulary tests.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Brain Rules Overveiw

Complete notes for the 12 Brain Rules overview are due Wed.  Nov. 18th!
For each rule you need . . .

  • something you know
  • a question (how or why questions are the best)
  • an experience (you need at least three of these for full credit, more for extra credit)
Don't forget to prepare your posters for the presentation on Friday!

I am pushing back the brain rule example project to be due on Monday:
Creative Example of a Brain Rule:
  • Describe a real life example of how to apply one of the Brain Rules using pictures and words.
  • You may make a comic, a picture/or collage with caption, a poem with images, a personal story with a picture, an advertisement, etc.
You may make an extra one of these for extra credit.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

GLArts: vocabulary review

Here are the Quizlet links for the GLArts Class vocabulary lists.
We will have a vocabulary test on Friday, so make sure you are prepared!

Friday, November 6, 2015

GLArts: Vocabulary Story

Your assignment is to write a story that includes the plot elements and all 14 of the words from the themed list to the right (extra credit for including vocabulary words from previous weeks).

Use the plot diagram to make sure you have all the important elements of plot.  
Below is the total of what was accomplished on Friday (its good a quality story concept, but hardly a good amount of work for the whole class.  

You may choose to do your own story or work with whoever decides to stay in the group.  You may continue this story or start your own.  If you are writing a independent story (by yourself), you must have 10 of the 14 words (more for extra points).  

This is due Tuesday (11/10), but I will provide very little time for this in class (mostly just giving you a chance to check if you used the words effectively), so most will have to be done at home.