Friday, November 6, 2015

GLArts: Vocabulary Story

Your assignment is to write a story that includes the plot elements and all 14 of the words from the themed list to the right (extra credit for including vocabulary words from previous weeks).

Use the plot diagram to make sure you have all the important elements of plot.  
Below is the total of what was accomplished on Friday (its good a quality story concept, but hardly a good amount of work for the whole class.  

You may choose to do your own story or work with whoever decides to stay in the group.  You may continue this story or start your own.  If you are writing a independent story (by yourself), you must have 10 of the 14 words (more for extra points).  

This is due Tuesday (11/10), but I will provide very little time for this in class (mostly just giving you a chance to check if you used the words effectively), so most will have to be done at home.

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