Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Brain Rules Overveiw

Complete notes for the 12 Brain Rules overview are due Wed.  Nov. 18th!
For each rule you need . . .

  • something you know
  • a question (how or why questions are the best)
  • an experience (you need at least three of these for full credit, more for extra credit)
Don't forget to prepare your posters for the presentation on Friday!

I am pushing back the brain rule example project to be due on Monday:
Creative Example of a Brain Rule:
  • Describe a real life example of how to apply one of the Brain Rules using pictures and words.
  • You may make a comic, a picture/or collage with caption, a poem with images, a personal story with a picture, an advertisement, etc.
You may make an extra one of these for extra credit.

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