Monday, December 14, 2015

SKB: Skill Rubric

I added a section IX to part 8 to create a rubric (some of you already started one).

You need to create three categories minimum, but you can do more. See the S.K.B document for the Rubric Template and copy it into your document.
See example below:

GLArts: Story Peer and Self Evaluations

  • Click here for the Story Writing Rubric.
  • Insert this rubric at the end of your most recent draft of your story.
  • find a peer to share your document with so they can give you feedback
  • Give your peer feedback on thier story as well
  • Make any improvements you can think of
  • grade yourself using the Rubric
  • Let me know you are done so I can assess your story
  • Review vocabulary words on

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

S.K.B. Project: Choose a Skill!

For Seminar today you will be skipping to part 8 of the S.K.B. Project, as long as you have chosen a topic.  Click on the original S.K.B. project document and copy Part 8 into your document.  

***Complete part 8 to the best of your ability today before going back to other parts!***

_Mr. Sullivan’s Example (here is how I respond for my project)__

Monday, November 30, 2015

GLArts: Story Rewriting and Vocabulary

Third Draft of your story
You should now have 2 versions of your story in your document. In the bottom of your document, mark a section for the Third Draft; you may copy and paste anything from the second draft you want to use.  

Focus creating a setting for your first person narrator.  Where are they when they are thinking about these events in their lives?  What are they doing? Describe the sights, sounds, and textures, etc.

For example, if the narrator says:
I feel about as disgruntled as my neighbor's cat after my cousin lured it into the dryer for a ride.   Who would  have thought that such sorrow and lament could result from the business of a few pigeons?

You might imagine where he would be when revisiting this memory:
In this doleful hour, I sat with my head in my hands on the hard, grimy tiles that mostly covered the floor of this 24 hour laundromat.  I watched the evidence of my chagrin slowly disappear in the suds and water that swirled in the washer's round window.  Behind me, a cheap top-load washer began rocking loudly, waking me from my reverie without compunction.  I feel about as disgruntled as my neighbor's cat after my cousin lured it into the dryer for a ride. At least he had his hair dried and fluffed. Who would  have thought that such sorrow and lament could result from the business of a few pigeons?
Julian, I would like you to take this time to compose a story using as many words as possible from the vocabulary list "Words of Sadness."  Do your best to describe a setting, character, and at least a basic plot, especially conflict and resolution.  Please type this in a google doc and share it with me.

Vocabulary Review
Take what time you have left to review your vocabulary words.  I will be including a few review words in all of the following vocabulary tests.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Brain Rules Overveiw

Complete notes for the 12 Brain Rules overview are due Wed.  Nov. 18th!
For each rule you need . . .

  • something you know
  • a question (how or why questions are the best)
  • an experience (you need at least three of these for full credit, more for extra credit)
Don't forget to prepare your posters for the presentation on Friday!

I am pushing back the brain rule example project to be due on Monday:
Creative Example of a Brain Rule:
  • Describe a real life example of how to apply one of the Brain Rules using pictures and words.
  • You may make a comic, a picture/or collage with caption, a poem with images, a personal story with a picture, an advertisement, etc.
You may make an extra one of these for extra credit.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

GLArts: vocabulary review

Here are the Quizlet links for the GLArts Class vocabulary lists.
We will have a vocabulary test on Friday, so make sure you are prepared!

Friday, November 6, 2015

GLArts: Vocabulary Story

Your assignment is to write a story that includes the plot elements and all 14 of the words from the themed list to the right (extra credit for including vocabulary words from previous weeks).

Use the plot diagram to make sure you have all the important elements of plot.  
Below is the total of what was accomplished on Friday (its good a quality story concept, but hardly a good amount of work for the whole class.  

You may choose to do your own story or work with whoever decides to stay in the group.  You may continue this story or start your own.  If you are writing a independent story (by yourself), you must have 10 of the 14 words (more for extra points).  

This is due Tuesday (11/10), but I will provide very little time for this in class (mostly just giving you a chance to check if you used the words effectively), so most will have to be done at home.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Seminar: Brain Research

Research on Brain Parts and Functions:

  • Each Brain/Poster group needs to make a copy of the Brain Parts and Functions Google Doc. 
  • Add your period and the first initial of each group member to the document name.
  • Share the document with each person in the group, as well as your teacher(s). 
  • Make a plan to divide the work fairly between your group members.
  • Be sure to paraphrase the information in your own words 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


  • Review the sides 7-9 from yesterday's introduction the first stages of the Hero's Journey.
  • Read the first part of the story of Hercules according to the (read up to the 12 Labors)
  • In a Google Doc with "hercules" in the title, Describe in detail how the story matches the theme of each slide (and how it is a little different)
    • (7) What has been taken or is missing from Hercules at the beginning of his story?
    • (8) How is he called out of the ordinary world?
    • (9) Who is the Herald that announces his adventure?
  • Short Essay: Choose a heroic story you are already familiar with to compare with Hercules.  Which of these main characters early lives best prepares them to be a hero?   Using examples from both stories, illustrate the differences between your chosen hero and Hercules, focusing on the beginning of their stories. Make your case for the best heroic beginning in three well-developed paragraphs. (Include the essay in your doc and share it with me.)

I also need everyone to join my REMIND group:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015


To see the document, click the link below:

This year you will be choosing an area of personal interest to explore, improve skills, and share your expertise. This will be a continuing project you will work on throughout the year with different parts due at different times.

Please make your own copy of the document. Remember to put your name in the document title and erase the phrase "copy of."

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Email to Your Teachers Project

Begin by going to this document and making a copy:
Teacher Notification Project

then follow the instructions on the document.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Synergy Student-Vue, Research on Being Gifted, etc.

You will need to access Synergy "Student-Vue"  in order to complete some of your tasks for this class.  This is also an essential tool for you to keep track of your grades and communicate with your teachers. Click on the following link:

StudentVUE Account Access

You will use the same username and password here as you do to log in to the school computers.
You will see something like this:
On your class schedule, the Hyperlink for your teacher's names includes their email as well.  You will be using this to complete the Google survey form below.

As we discuss our experience and myths about being gifted, some of you will be doing this twice.   If you want to do some further research at this time, here are some great resources to check out:

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gifted Seminar: Multiple Intelligences

Click on the link for the Multiple Intelligences Document and follow the instructions.

Make sure you share your document with your Seminar teacher.  our email addresses are as follows:
Mr. Sullivan:
Mrs. Newton:
Ask a peer or teacher if you need help.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Gifted Language Arts (GLArts)

Project for Monday and Tuesday:
Evolution of our Language (Watch these Videos):

You will need to take notes in the form of a mind map:

You can copy this map and add to it.  MindMiester will connect to your google drive.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Persuasive Essay: Standardized Testing

Your group essay is due by Monday!
Make sure you make a plan and divide the work effectively and fairly.
I recommend using the ProCon website for initial arguments, but you should look beyond it as well.
Here is the outline you should follow:
TITLE (Main Idea):

    1. INTRODUCTION: Introduce your topic with a hook.
    2. (What are the two sides to the argument?)
      1. SIDE 1:
      2. SIDE 2:
    3. *THESIS STATEMENT (What is your opinion?):
    1. REASON #1 (Why should someone agree with your opinion?):
    2. Possible Objection to your argument you’re your response:
    3. SOURCE:
    1. REASON #2 (Why should someone agree with your opinion?):
    2. Possible Objection to your argument you’re your response:
    3. SOURCE:
    1. REASON #3 (Why should someone agree with your opinion?):
    2. Possible Objection to your argument you’re your response:
    3. SOURCE:
    1. CONCLUSION (Summarize your thoughts):
    2. RESTATE SIDE 1:
    3. RESTATE SIDE 2:
    5. OVERALL, WHY IS YOUR THESIS STATEMENT CORRECT? What impact does your point of view have on the world?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Logical fallacies and the standardized testing debate

You may do this project in groups from last time :

Friday, May 1, 2015

Comparing Cultural Values

The list of values from the article we read earlier may help you in your presentation.  Choose one or more from this list.  You may discuss other values that are not on the list.
Remember that you can choose any value as long as you give good examples and evidence to support your choice.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Culture Comparison Presentation

Presentation: Comparing your three cultures
Choose one cultural category to compare across all three cultures (two for 6th graders).  Make a detailed slideshow to share with others (probably students from Ms. Newton’s classes or 4-5th graders from Adobe Acres).  Present it out loud  OR make a video presentation (warning: this can be great if you know how to do it, but it is more time consuming).
  1. Use images to illustrate all of your examples and ideas!
  2. What are the most interesting and unique aspects of this category? (Describe in detail and explain how you think they are significant).
  3. What particular human behaviors (actions, traditions, rituals, etc.) are unique to to your cultural category?
  4. How has it changed over time?
  5. How do other aspects of culture relate to or influence this category?
  6. What values are demonstrated? Give and explain evidence.
  7. Data Comparison: make a graph of data from your 3 cultures and explain what it means.
  8. How is this category similar and different to the other cultures?

Prospectus Due this Thursday April 30th (for Periods 2,4,6) 
or Friday May 1st (period 3):
You will need to have a written outline (on paper, google doc, or google slideshow) for your presentation. The outline must cover the points above for each of your three cultures. You will have a short conference with me, talking through your outline and I will give you feedback. THIS IS FOR A GRADE!

Monday 5/11 - Practice presentation: peer review
Presenter: ________________      Reviewer: ________________
  1. What was good about their presentation?
  2. What would you like to see a picture or visual of?
  3. What could use more explanation?
  4. Are all cultures represented?
  5. What parts (A-H) are missing or incomplete?

Friday, April 17, 2015

GLArts Poetry: Presentation

Choose one poetic device of sound and one of meaning from the Chapparal Poets website.

You may work with one or more partners to present these devices to the class on Tuesday.

The following elements need to be in your presentation:

-Poetic sound device:
  • explain what it is 
  • choose an image that represents the device to you and explain how it relates to the device
  • give two examples from poetry or song that have the device
  • Explain why would an author use this device

-Poetic meaning device:
  • explain what it is 
  • choose an image that represents the device to you and explain how it relates to the device
  • give two examples from poetry or song that have the device
  • Explain why would an author use this device
-Write a poem with at least four lines that uses both of these devices.  If you can combine your devices with your partners, even better!

Include Previous Poems:

  • Type one of your Haikus and one of your Limericks into your document.  Choose one to share in your presentation.  
  • You may also share another poem for extra credit.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Culture Research Evaluation & Field Trip

Take a few moments to look at the powerpoint for the Gutierrez-Hubbell House we will be visiting tomorrow.  Then look at the Culture Research Outline.  To what parts of the outline might this experience relate?

Research Evaluation (here is how I am grading your research):
  • Research Card quality: 60 points
    • I will evaluate three cards per student (20 points possible for each).
    • You can choose 2 of the cards, I will choose the 3rd.  
    • All 3 cards should not be about the same culture.
  • Research Card quantity: 40 points
    • 8th graders: 24 completed cards
    • 7th graders: 20 completed cards
    • 6th graders: 16 completed cards
It looks like this:
All research is due by the end of class on Tuesday, April 21st.  I expect to complete the card checks the previous week, so you must have your selected cards done by Friday, April 17. if you have them done earlier, let me know and I will evaluate it as you go.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

GLArts: Poetry

Create a Google Doc entitled "'s Poetry"

  • Find a haiku on the internet that succeeds in the elements of a haiku we discussed.  Paste the haiku into your Doc (give credit to the author or source). Describe how this haiku . . .
    • uses sensory language
    • describes a scene and the mood that goes with it
    • creates a shift (in tone, meaning, etc.) in the last line
  • Type out your haiku from yesterday
    • Describe how it accomplishes the elements above

Monday, March 16, 2015

Seminar: Researching your 3 cultures

Research: For each of your 3 Cultures (one origin culture, on foreign culture, one modern urban culture), complete a research card for these features. See my CULTURE RESEARCH PROJECT google doc for the most current details.
  1. Natural feature(s) that defines the place:
    1. intangible (describe at least one)
      1. climate: High/Low Temps
      2. past natural disasters
    2. tangible:
      1. moveable (describe at least one)
        1. Distinctive/indigenous fauna (animals)
        2. local, natural resources
      2. immovable  (describe at least one)
        1. geographical formations
        2. distinctive flora (plants)
  2. Cultural Features that describe the people:
    1. intangible (describe 3; include at least one from bold section)
      1. History of the place
        1. High points in their history
        2. Low points in their history
      2. holiday traditions/celebrations
      3. Common Values
      4. Religion
      5. music/dance/performing arts
        1. traditional
        2. popular
      6. greetings/hospitality customs
      7. Heroes/legends: mythical, fictional, real life
      8. Language(s)
      9. ______________
      10. ______________
    2. tangible (pick 1; focus on a specific item; include details)
      1. moveable
        1. fine art (purely decorative or symbolic objects)
        2. crafts (useful objects)
        3. food
        4. clothing
        5. _other_
      2. immovable  (pick 1; focus on a specific structure; include details)
        1. Buildings
        2. other permanent structures

Detailed information card format (use this to take notes on your research):

Part (of outline):                                           brief title:    
3-5 details about this feature (in sentence form):
  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _
Related Statistic:

How does this affect the culture?

OR What does this tell me about the culture?

Source(s):  (web site URL, Video link, book info, etc.)

example (this is an example of a complete research card)

Part (of outline): I. B. 1. b. Natural Resources       brief title: Peat (turf)
3-5 details about this feature:
  • In wet areas called bogs, sphagnum moss and other plant life grows up to about ten feet thick over thousands of years.
  • This “peat” or “turf” is spongy but looks a lot like adobe.
  • The turf grows about a millimeter every year.
  • Unlike adobe, the peat is dried and burned for fuel.
  • Scientists do not agree whether or not this is a “fossil fuel” or a renewable energy source, but farmers have harvested it for hundreds of years.
Related Statistic: Northern Scotland has 1,544 sq miles of Peat bogs.
How does this affect the culture?  There are very few trees in this part of the world, so shoveling peat is kind of like chopping wood for them. I wonder if cutting peat is considered a manly activity there like chopping wood is here.
OR What does this tell me about the culture?  Clearly they have a lot more rain and water than we do!  It makes sense to me that this is where golf was invented.  Their grass is naturally perfect.